It’s 2019 and I’m launching this new website and I’m setting new goals for myself and this photography journey of mine… You see, I have a dreadful habit of belittling myself. Of making myself smaller than I want to be and believing the ugly voice in my head that tells me I can’t or shouldn’t or I’m not even good enough to try. And sometimes I can see those lies in the light for what they truly are and they make me mad! It’s like when a friend comes and mentions fears or doubts – it is so easy to see the lies that are keeping them back. It’s so obvious to see from the outside. I want to be confident in myself, speak truth over myself and empower myself the way I long for others to feel empowered. I’m ready to stop giving those lies space in my head.
So I suppose that’s what I’m trying to walk into now. I love photography, I love capturing special moments between my family and others families. I love speaking truth and love over people – I’m a gusher and if I think you’re awesome at something I want you to know it! It’s something I love about myself and appreciate when I see it in others. Genuine kindness makes my heart soar. And I suppose what makes me the happiest about photography is the chance to gush over people – over things I see in them, big or small. There’s something about me I want you to know… I love to pray. I found the Lord through prayer in a way I hadn’t ever experienced before and it changed my whole life for the better. It is such a joy to me to be able to pray for others. If we’ve ever had a session together, I have spent time praying over you. Usually it’s in the car on my way to meet with you. I pray that you will feel loved and cherished by our creator, that your kids are filled with joy, that you feel beautiful and not self-conscious (I mean, it can feel weird to be in front of the camera!) or anything else specific to our session but something I always pray as a way to prepare for our session is that that the father will give me eyes to see just a glimpse of how he sees you. That is all I hope to capture throughout our session… the true you that is adored in a way maybe you haven’t experienced before. It’s such a special job to me. One that I don’t take lightly and one that I don’t think I’ve fully appreciated until maybe right now.
So, let me proclaim this truth over the both of us, in case you’ve maybe been victim to the ugly voice in your head too. It’s a new year. We have nothing to be afraid of… we are lovely and unique and have so much to offer to the world. Let’s not let anything hold us back anymore. You’ve got this. And so do I.
Photos captured by my awesome husband, Michael.
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