Jarrell Family || Georgetown, KY Family Photographer

Families & Children

May 20, 2019

I am so excited for this post… it’s a little bigger than my typical posts because these two got engaged and I was able to capture the proposal! That was a first for me and – oh man – I am just so extremely honored to have been able to watch it all go down!

Jessica is a photographer (can I just say what an honor it feels like when a fellow photographer chooses you to capture their family photos!) and man, this girl is special. They had a bit of a fiasco as they were leaving their house and their littlest busted up his lip. Needless to say he really was not into having his pictures taken! But Jessica smiled and laughed through the entire thing, she has such a bright and joyful spirit you sort of can’t help but smile around her… and watching her with her family – goodness, you can tell that’s what makes her heart soar. It was such a delight to capture this crew just being together in the in between moments.

We had just finished up the couple photos and Jessica turned around to pick up the baby, when she turned back around Jordan was on one knee, ready to propose. It was such a special moment and one that felt so very “them” Their oldest was quick to jump in with how he knew about the whole thing and the daughter was ready to try on mama’s fancy new ring for herself! It was one of my favorite things I’ve ever gotten to capture and I just want to thank you all again for trusting me with these!!

We finished up a few more portraits and I’m just ready to be friends with this whole family. What an awesome bunch with so much to celebrate!

Jessica & Jordan, I wish you guys all the happiness and you prepare to get married!


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