Cincinnati Art Museum || our family


April 24, 2019

Over spring break this year we had a few different visitors throughout the week which meant we wanted to get out and explore lots of new places and things we don’t usually get to do. We made a trip to Cincinnati to visit the Cincinnati Art Museum one day and man, I wish we could’ve stayed all day. We explored the kids area first which was the neatest little area. My boys were all super involved in this big city puzzle where you could stack buildings, there was also a huge picture on the wall that you could choose a square and incorporate your drawing into the larger drawing – it is incredible to see such different styles come together to form the same photo (see image below, it’s hard to explain that well!). The kids also made bird feeders and pipe cleaner crafts, it was all so interactive and kept us all entertained.

Then we wandered into the museum area with our kids (ages 8, 6, 4, and 2!) and started to talk about art. We spent the most amount of time in the African art exhibit, it is the first one and I think where the attention spans were highest since we were just getting started! They had a really neat exhibit with lights on the ceiling set to symphony music and we just laid on the floor to watch the lights and listen to the music. It was one of my favorite parts, watching my kids oohing and aahing over the lights !

Then we headed upstairs which is where I wish we could’ve stayed longer… so many beautiful paintings and sculptures. But, it was getting close to lunch by then and my little ones were starting to run everywhere… which is not exactly allowed in an art museum! So we’ll finish it up another day, or maybe next time start upstairs and end with the children’s area. It was such a neat museum – most of the exhibits are free too which is wonderful for a big family like ours!

Here are a few of my favorites from the day. I have to say, I’m not able to bring my camera with me often because I’m usually running after or carrying someone but we had family with us for this adventure and it was so much fun to capture it with more than just my phone.

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