Zack and Sarah are so perfect for each other I can hardly stand it. We’ve known Zack and his family for years and we had been hoping for years that he would find a fantastic girl to be his wife… and man! These two compliment each other in all of the best ways. Their story is so special because their lives have been weaved together in so many different ways starting when they were young. Their families were neighbors and remained close friends. Zack and Sarah met at a church event a couple years ago and they both separately said the moment they reconnected they knew they had found their mate. I am just so thrilled for them.
Their wedding day was gorgeous, it started with some honeymoon travel plans having to be re-coordinated, and their were some sound and electrical issues that seemed to pop up but you know what? It didn’t phase anyone a single bit. Everyone was all smiles throughout everything because the important thing was watching these two join their lives together. It was such a special day and I am so grateful to have been able to capture it start to finish.
Wedding Venue: Highbridge Park
Wedding Dress: Meant-to-Be Boutique
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