guest family || lexington, ky family photography

Families & Children

May 15, 2018

This family is a special one to me. Ashley was actually my very first friend when I moved to Kentucky in the eighth grade. We had gym together and we were paired up often because our last names (before married!) both began with ‘b’. We were the most unathletic people in the class. It sparked a pretty immediate friendship because we knew we could laugh and not take ourselves too seriously – because there is about zero athletic ability in each of us! We pretty instantly became best friends and were almost inseparable throughout high school.

We roomed together in college and were neighbors in the same apartment when we were both newlyweds. We had movie nights and game nights and shared dinner almost every night in that season of life before kids. I know realize what a treasure that time was! She and her husband are missionaries and moved to Honduras years ago. Ashley remains one of my closest friends… they type that you can go months without speaking and when you do you realize not a beat has been missed. I so cherish this girl and her family! They come back to the states every few years and it is such a treat when we get to catch up! We had to squeeze in a little family session while they were here most recently and I am so glad we did – these are some of my favorite images of some of my favorite people!


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