Our family


February 5, 2015

One of my goals this year (well, two of my goals!) was to blog more… and take more photos of my own kids! Things are so fun – and a little crazy! – with three little ones. They get along for the most part really well and I can already they are learning some invaluable interpersonal skills just from having someone else around 100% of the time. They’re getting lots of practice with things like sharing and learning to communicate needs and everything else. Really it’s so fun to watch! They’ve also adjusted really well to us being a family of 5. That’s one area I’ve noticed having three is easier than having two! When I am busy with baby related tasks my bigger kids have someone to play with! Going out and about is not so much easier with three but being home with them is surprisingly easier than I imagined. 🙂


These are some photos from today – with an emphasis on baby Jude! He is five months old even though I feel like he was born yesterday and I just couldn’t stop taking pictures of him earlier! These kiddos were my first models and will always be my most favorite ones, you’ll probably be seeing more of them around here 🙂



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